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Useful Links: Resources and Tips


Free character Strengths Survey  

Website with a lot of history, theory, and resources. They also offer a free intro course on The Science of Happiness 

Online course from Berkeley 

Greater Good Science Center 

Over 5,000 articles, reviewed by experts and a team of editors, relating to every aspect of psychology: social, psychotherapy, meditation etc. All backed by sources. Also includes practical resources. 

Useful Links: Text


Happier - Tal Ben Shahar

The Art of Happiness: a Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill - Matthieu Ricard

Flourish: a Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well-Being - Martin Seligman

Happiness: Lessons from a New Science - Richard Layard

Learned Optimism - Martin Seligman

Altruism - Matthieu Ricard

The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle

The Healing Power of Mindfulness - Jon Kabat-Zinn

Atomic Habits - James Clear

Enlightenment Now - Steven Pinker

Man’s Search for Meaning - Victor Frankl

The Paradox of Choice - Barry Schwartz

Why We Work - Barry Schwartz

Siddhartha - Hermann Hesse

Notes on a Nervous Planet - Matt Haig

How to Change Your Mind: The New Science of Psychedelics - Michael Pollan

Waking Up - Sam Harris

The Better Angels of Our Nature - Steven Pinker

Humankind: a Hopeful History - Rutger Bregman

Brave New World - Aldous Huxley

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck - Mark Manson

The Road Less Travelled - M. Scott Peck

Meditations - Marcus Aurelius

Why We Love - Helena Fischer

Sapiens - Yuval Noah Harari

Homo Deus - Yuval Noah Harari

Useful Links: Text
Useful Links: Text
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